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Strategy Consulting Solutions: Attaining Stronger Goals

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Develop an excellent  strategy

that can deliver great results

With our methodology for strategy development, clients can have a forward-looking, highly effective and enduring strategy consulting solutions to meet their current and future business, organisational and functional goals.

Business Strategy

We apply our knowledge of the market and industry of your organisation and based on the characteristics and long-term objectives of your business we explore market opportunities for your business for growth and areas needing to focus in order to position better in the market and develop in certain areas across product, operations, technology and culture.


Dealing with the Crisis

Hear from the founder of Eupnea about the crisis due to the Coronavirus pandemic and in which areas businesses need to focus on for navigating through the crisis more decisively 


A CEO statement: ‘Better utilise existing capabilities’ re-mastered

We look into five of the most influential factors that help companies to better utilise existing capabilities or develop new ones right for their business, including how to achieve strategic alignment

Sales Strategy


Enabling clients to drive business performance with development of a strong sales strategy consulting solutions. We help clients form new high-performing or improve existing sales teams, develop effective sales methods and enhance their selling practice, supported by deployment of relevant advanced technologies.

Marketing Strategy


Helping clients understand the customer, market and competition and develop a marketing strategy to articulate a compelling story for their business, products and services and engage with their audiences more effectively. Encompassing a broad range of marketing methods including marketing automation to increase marketing effectiveness and performance.

Redefining Customer Engagement Management Consulting Services

Redefining Customer Engagement

Transitioning to Digital to remain top of mind amongst customers. Brands with strong values to hold upmost


Knowledge of the Customer 

We can help you to identify the key characteristics, needs, behaviours and preferences of your customers to support Marketing, Customer Service and Product Development

Talent Strategy


How businesses improve their human capital is highly important and we are able to help clients develop a strong strategy for talent acquisition and management based on their current business and organisational objectives, as well as, how the composition of their workforce needs to be in the future to meet their long-term business objectives. Based on our strong knowledge of future of work, workforce skilling and trends within sectors and for the UK labor market, clients can develop a highly effective and forward-looking talent strategy.​

strategy consulting

Future of Work in the Making

Driving innovative future relationships between employers and their workforce out of greater flexibility and growing preference. New post-crisis limits for human talent and automation reshaping work

Workforce Reskilling: Enabling Your Future

Workforce Reskilling: Enabling the Future of Your Business

During a time of rebalancing work-life of the individual while pace of automation and machine skilling amongst organisations is holding firm, to what extent the workforce of each organisation is prepared for jobs of tomorrow will define their future success. However, the acute requirement of human reskilling today will add to a better and even new direction for organisations that act


Eupnea Survey for UK Employees – December 2022

A year of decisioning and transitioning in where we work. Change happened, not everywhere

Strengthening Organisational Culture Management Consulting Services

Strengthening Organisational Culture 

A rebalancing act bringing cohesion across all and distant parts

Digital Strategy


We have deep knowledge and experience in everything about Digital from defining a comprehensive Digital strategy and delivering significant change through organisation-wide Digital transformation programs to digitalising specific processes or multiple business areas across an organisation. Helping clients to become more Digital in order to achieve greater automation, improve on business efficiency and develop their workforce across roles, skills and culture to support transformation of their business through Digital.​

Digital transformation

Digital Adoption: A vital step in business transformation to achieve higher for your business

Where Digital adoption starts and ends for greatly enhancing business success is always a right question to raise since the inception of Digital, however the answer today is unambiguous from business leaders and points to clear business rewards and great upside in the future success of their organisations.


The presence of a catalyst for Digital adoption

We experience a period of change in how customers think, feel, connect and interact with other people and brands. Digital, with history to transform companies, dynamic to disrupt industries and market expectation for Digital to cause further change amongst the top companies, this report presents influential dynamics for Digital across markets, unveils challenges towards a journey of digital transformation for a business and reflects on rewards upon Digital adoption.

Business Growth Strategy


Focusing on how clients can identify opportunities for sustaining or enhancing their business growth by having a detailed business growth strategy. We can help clients explore new and better growth opportunities, develop effective routes-to-market and position better across new and existing product lines based on latest market, industry, customer and product trends and dynamics, while utilising more effectively their existing business resources.​


Growing in a Post-pandemic Era: An Interview with Mark Costello, CEO of Hubb

With enthusiasm the CEO of Hubb, Mark Costello, describes to our team how Hubb, a AI-driven insurance broker, has successfully grown as a startup business recently and his aim to be inside the top 100 insurers after 15 months of trading

Resizing Market Opportunities Management Consulting Services

Resizing Market Opportunities 

Reassessing existing boundaries and setting new limits ignoring the noise

Brand Strategy


Developing a brand strategy for clients that articulates a strong brand story and enables the brand to leverage its touchpoints with customers. We can help clients improve their knowledge of the customer, be more effective in how their brand values resonates with new and existing customers, how they can achieve greater differentiation from their competitors and increase their brand awareness and reputation.​

Channel Strategy


Improving how an organisation provides customer service to its customers through a range of channels from online channel, including mobile, to telephone centres and network of stores. We have extensive experience in defining an all-encompassing strategy for service channels if clients need to develop most suitable new/existing channels in their business, deliver excellence in customer service and improve customer satisfaction.​


To discuss about our Strategy Consulting Solutions and how we can help your business, you can contact us using the contact details below or by sending a message through the Contact Us page. 

Get in touch

Founder Eupnea Management Consulting

Panagiotis Dimitrelis
Founder of Eupnea
+44 (0) 204 558 8087