HR Consulting Solutions:
Developing a Versed and Resilient Workforce
in the Advent of AI

Develop a dynamic solution for
the workforce that can enable
your business to achieve more
With our consulting services related to human capital, we can help you manage and grow your workforce more effectively, improve your workplace and develop strong talent within your organisation for today and the future.
We have looked into 7 areas where businesses can focus today with aim to develop a versed and resilient workforce in their organisation and create strong foundations for succeeding in the future. The latest advancements in AI and other technological areas such as quantum computing mean the skillset that employees will need to possess in order to adequately succeed in various roles from this decade onwards is changing. Similarly to previous significant advancements, for example with Digital, they have a transformative power and tend to upend previously long-lasting standards and norms while providing less time than expected to act and adapt. This is creating a new emergency today for organisations to have a strong vision and strategy for talent today if they want to brace for future success and not fall behind.

Talent Strategy
How businesses improve their human capital is highly important and we are able to help clients develop a strong strategy for talent acquisition and management based on their current business and organisational objectives, as well as, how the composition of their workforce needs to be in the future to meet their long-term business objectives. Based on our strong knowledge of future of work, workforce skilling and trends within sectors and for the UK labor market, clients can develop a highly effective and forward-looking talent strategy

Workforce Management
We are able to design a strong solution for the effective management of the workforce of an organisation to improve productivity and performance. Our consultants can help across a broad range of areas at strategic and tactical level from budgeting and forecasting, allocation and management of resources, setting of strategic goals for your workforce to the management of workflow and reporting, assessment and improvement of workforce performance
Workplace Reimagination
Since the beginning of this decade almost all businesses have had to reimagine their workplace due to the various events that have occurred impacting on business capability, business mobility and performance of roles, as well as, changing individual needs and preferences of a significant proportion of people in employment. Our consultants are able to help clients implement successful transition plans between remote working and hybrid and physical workplaces, revamp work practices, develop effective working arrangements for their workforce and review employee compensation

Workforce Skilling
With Digital skills having become essential for almost every role and AI beginning soon to upend the productivity standards for at least the roles where it has had broad use already, we can help clients identify suitable ways to reskill parts of their workforces where it is needed for today and the future (short and long-term). Our consultants can provide excellent insight about the UK labor market, conduct skills benchmarking and provide skills assessments. At strategic level, working with our consultants clients can develop for their organisations a highly effective workforce for the future vision and strategy
Organisational Design
Are the different areas of your organisation fully joined-up and enabled up to their potential value in order to help your organisation achieve its business goals? We help clients put in place effective structures and hierarchies for roles, team and areas of business so their organisations can achieve higher levels of collaboration and greater performance and strategic alignment between their parts

Organisational Culture & Values
Our consultants can conduct internal benchmarking of employee engagement, productivity and performance for and between different areas of your organisation and provide a thorough analysis and assessment and identify improvements. Additionally, we help clients who need to achieve greater cultural alignment amongst their employees, have in place a strong employee mentoring program and develop effective employee career journeys and well-articulated employee recognition programs
HR Analytics & Tech
Do your employees have access to the right information about their individual goals and performance of their individual goals? Do your business leaders have rich information and strong insights to make the right decisions for your workforce? From setting employee objectives and assessing and monitoring employee performance to recognising and rewarding employee, team and business unit performance, our consultants can help to define what information individual employees and management and executive teams need to make appropriate, timely and intelligent decisions

More Content

Future of Work in the Making
Driving innovative future relationships between employers and their workforce out of greater flexibility and growing preference. New post-crisis limits for human talent and automation reshaping work

Workforce Reskilling: Enabling the Future of Your Business
During a time of rebalancing work-life of the individual while pace of automation and machine skilling amongst organisations is holding firm, to what extent the workforce of each organisation is prepared for jobs of tomorrow will define their future success. However, the acute requirement of human reskilling today will add to a better and even new direction for organisations that act

Research Study
Eupnea Survey for UK Workers – December 2022
A year of decisioning and transitioning in where we work. Change happened, not everywhere
To discuss about our HR Consulting Solutions and how we can help your business, you can contact us using the contact details below or by sending a message through the Contact Us page.
Get in touch

Panagiotis Dimitrelis
Founder of Eupnea
+44 203 026 1523