Thriving in Times of Uncertainty
How do you adapt to a new crisis or rapidly evolving market conditions?

Since 2020, there have been a number of market events where most businesses have had to respond decisively and effectively to them. For example, geopolitics impacting on UK and global trade, the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 raising health risks in workplaces and restricting mobility, climate change developing concerns for our long-term sustainability on Earth and high inflation due to the latest energy crisis increasing the cost of living of people and the operating costs of businesses. We are able to help clients with consulting services specifically for dealing with the latest challenges they are faced with today.
The following consulting services that we provide have been most relevant for clients to respond to changing market conditions:
Market Sentiment: Understanding current market conditions based on deep knowledge of trends and dynamics
Market Analysis: Developing strong market intelligence in your business
Risk management: Managing risk effectively and protecting your business
Impact Analysis: Assessing impact of crisis on your business
Business Change & Transformation: Adapting successfully to changing conditions through change and transformation programs for strategy, operations and culture
Business mobility: Enabling your business to continue to operate during times of a crisis
Workplace reimagination: Develop a workplace based on the current conditions to maintain safety in the workplace and employee engagement
Improving operational efficiency: Developing more efficient business operations, implementing an effective target operating model in your business and leveraging key business areas such as production, distribution or customer service
Digitising and automating process or business: Designing processes that are more efficient, digitalising and automating and/or freeing up human capital
Optimising product pricing: Designing a product pricing strategy based on latest customer demand and product costs
Improving marketing and sales strategy: Understanding latest needs of your customers from higher cost of living and designing effective marketing and sales strategies to generate or capture customer demand
Monitoring and understanding customer sentiment from the impact of the cost of living crisis
Improving supply chain & distribution: Simplifying, managing more effectively or supporting better localised structures
Improving inventory management: Optimising management of your inventory based on availability, capacity, demand and other key factors to reduce business costs
Improving order management: Optimising management of orders your business receives from customers
Digitising and automating process or business: Designing processes that are more efficient, digitalising and automating, freeing up human capital and also enabling trade with new clients with speed and ease
Ensuring regulatory compliance of your business structures and operations
Creating an organisational culture that enables and supports sustainability
Can your strategy front-run through new growth opportunities?
In a highly uncertain and volatile economic environment today, the economic models of various businesses are redesigned, business growth plans are reviewed and expansion plans are postponed or scaled back. However, not all industries are facing the same challenges or present similar opportunities for growth. This is also true amongst businesses within the same industry as they have emerged from different foundations and their characteristics today are also different. Is your business positioned effectively in the market to seize new growth opportunities? We can help clients to define a strong strategy that can drive the development and growth of their business or create multiple strategies for certain business functions such as marketing, sales, operations and people/talent.
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Growing in a Post-pandemic Era: An Interview with Mark Costello, CEO of Hubb
With enthusiasm the CEO of Hubb, Mark Costello, describes to our team how Hubb, a AI-driven insurance broker, has successfully grown as a startup business recently and his aim to be inside the top 100 insurers after 15 months of trading.
How can transformation shape your organisation in areas with great unrealised value?
Most organisations have undergone extensive change and transformation within their business in the last decade multiple times to adapt to a new economic environment, develop new systems and processes to boost certain capabilities, leverage the expertise of their workforce and adopt a new organisational culture in order to persevere and grow. Digitalisation has been extensive in most industries and work environments including clearly for example media, retail and energy, application of robotics has automated many processes in manufacturing, development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have largely changed banking from customer service to investment trading, end-user products such as drones are revolutioning logistics, advancement of new processing capabilities such as quantum computing systems is expected to change IT in business across many sectors and investment for environmental technologies is increasingly in focus recently for supporting sustainability and climate change. Which areas in your business can create much greater value and drive growth? Are you in an industry where change happens constantly and you have to innovate or transform regularly?
We can help clients transform specific business areas or run an organisation-wide business transformation program in order to identify and realise business opportunities where more value can be created or captured.
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Digital Adoption: A vital step in business transformation to achieve higher for your business
Where Digital adoption starts and ends for greatly enhancing business success is always a right question to raise since the inception of Digital, however the answer today is unambiguous from business leaders and points to clear business rewards and great upside in the future success of their organisations.
Enhancing Business Capabilities
Raising focus across new/rare skills and evolving Digital expertise to compete in a new era
Do events happen quicker than change in your business?
While the Covid-19 pandemic caught most businesses unprepared to deal with the extreme disruption that it caused in our society, since then many businesses have invested in developing appropriate lines of defence for dealing with unexpected events or similar crises in the future. Developing business capability to identify quickly emerging business risks and threats or respond effectively to external disruption when abruptly happens is important for every business. Equally importantly, various businesses have aimed stronger to develop a better understanding of their industry and target markets and set a clearer, stronger and more intelligently forward-looking direction of their organisation.
Our consulting solutions that can analyse markets, customers, products and brands, and identify the most relevant and important trends and dynamics for a client business can be a game-charger in rapidly changing market conditions or specific conditions affecting or likely to be affecting your business. We can help clients develop increased market awareness so necessary changes in their business happen quicker than potential risks and opportunities.

Resizing Market Opportunities
Reassessing existing boundaries and setting new limits ignoring the noise.
Has technology crammed or accelerated your future?
The abundance of information available to decipher and translate to business opportunities and extensive innovation in technology have shaped our world of business from many decades ago to date. However, as technology evolves quickly and many new technological systems and applications are commercialised and acceptance for them from businesses may increase over time, organisations regularly reassess their investment and business need in maintaining existing and adopting new technologies that have emerged.
Do you use the right technologies to support each of the different areas in your business and how could the latest most advanced technologies help your organisation develop new business capabilities that can provide an edge in your operations, as well as, your ability to compete in the market?
We have a range of consulting solutions that are based on the use of technology in business, for example to analyse information, review a technology, design and optimise a process, develop target operating models, implement business transformation with adoption of latest technologies and deliver business digitalisation.
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A CEO statement: ‘Better utilise existing capabilities’ re-mastered
Businesses with the right capabilities, unique vision and craftsmanship in the avoidance of upheavals will continue to grow, develop further and preserve their assets uninterruptedly. The rest will face roadblocks throughout the process in a race of whether and how to adapt in order to persevere and find a way to grow.
In this report, we look into five of the most influential factors that help companies to better utilise existing capabilities or develop new ones right for their business. Namely, technology, information, governance, culture and strategic alignment. These factors are common amongst a plethora of different capabilities that different companies choose to develop whose success in developing them also depends on the specific characteristics and peculiarities of each.
How can you evolve human roles to support your long-term vision?
The workplace of many organisations has changed forever as we knew it prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Work has also evolved considerably not only in terms of where and how we work but also about the required skillsets and level of expertise that are needed in order to perform a job. More and new skills are needed amongst workers to possess for various roles and also new roles with a different set of eligibility requirements have emerged. Human roles are evolving quicker in numerous industries in part as a result of greater digitalisation and automation in business within these industries, for example in banking, insurance, transportation and hospitality, and also the pace of innovation happening which it is rapid within multiple industries. We are able to help clients to reimagine their workplaces, improve the characteristics of their workforce where needed, have a highly effective strategy for how they manage talent and set a strong long-term vision for their workforce for the future.
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Future of Work in the Making
Driving innovative future relationships between employers and their workforce out of greater flexibility and growing preference. New post-crisis limits for human talent and automation reshaping work

Workforce Reskilling: Enabling the Future of Your Business
During a time of rebalancing work-life of the individual while pace of automation and machine skilling amongst organisations is holding firm, to what extent the workforce of each organisation is prepared for jobs of tomorrow will define their future success. However, the acute requirement of human reskilling today will add to a better and even new direction for organisations that act.
A year of decisioning and transitioning in where we work. Change happened, not everywhere
Today, a year later and almost a year since restrictions in the UK due to the pandemic completely ended, the results of our research for a second year are very revealing for the lasting effects that the pandemic has had in the workplaces of many UK businesses. Our ongoing research study presents further evidence about how the preference of many UK workers for where they want to work has recognisably changed from the pre-pandemic era, however not much further since last year. At the same time, the results also confirm how many organisations have already reimagined their work environments and, hence, some of the effects of the pandemic being even more likely to prove to be permanent by choice of everyone involved.