Business Modelling
There are multiple service channels available that businesses of every size and complexity use to provide their products and services to customers. How effective and efficient the service channels of a business are is highly important, considering that they impact on a variety of business factors such as sales, revenue, costs, customer service and customer satisfaction to name some of them.
A particular example would be businesses with physical presence through a network of stores or branches. We develop business modelling that provide targeted insight for where to improve and become more efficient and effective strategically or operationally through cost-saving and revenue-generating business opportunities for the whole network and its parts.
The business modelling bring together information from various sources such as customer, service, financial, market and competition to inform a business for how to improve their network of stores, whether that be by optimising its size and structure geographically, optimising its staff resource, achieving more sales, or improving its service amongst others.
The design of the methodology is bespoke for each business and provides results that rank each store relative to its network across various measures that are directly available or user-defined as a product of those. Business modelling serves several important purposes in the world of business.The approach we take ensures optimal fit of our recommendations to client requirements, weighted according to the short-term priorities and long-term direction of their business.
Business Benefits
Customer Footfall: Focused on target customer groups
Product Sale Opportunity: More effective with customer engagement across core products
Service Efficiency: Optimised service availability, focus, mix and quality across service costs
Store Financial Viability: Greater number of stores achieving above financial threshold status
Network Coverage: Sufficient national coverage with focus in local retail opportunities
Business Profitability: Increased profits through cost efficiencies and revenue opportunities
Market Differentiation: Greater differentiation from competitor footprint and offering
Strategic Alignment: Improved planning through better alignment to business strategy and outlook
Staff Management Optimisation: Greater use of contract flexibility and leverage of effective working practices